Legislation Directory
This directory contains state and local resources about Assembly Bill 1869 and Assembly Bill 177 for people with criminal administrative fees in California.
AB 1869
AB 1869 eliminated 23 criminal administrative fees effective July 1, 2021.
AB 1869 Flyer (Simplified Chinese)
AB 1869 Flyer (Traditional Chinese)
Information on AB 1869 Backfill
Workshops and Trainings
AB 177
AB 177 eliminated 17 criminal administrative fees effective January 1, 2022.
AB 177 Flyer (Chinese-Simplified)
AB 177 Flyer (Chinese-Traditional)
AB 199
AB 199 eliminated all civil assessment debt imposed before July 1, 2022. All new civil assessments are capped at $100.
SB 1106
SB 1106 removes unpaid restitution as a barrier to record relief starting January 1, 2023.
SB 1106 Flyer (Chinese-Simplified)
SB 1106 Flyer (Chinese-Traditional)
SB 1008
SB 1008 makes all phone calls from juvenile facilities and state prisons free starting January 1, 2023.
AB 176
AB 176 provides additional collection protections to vehicle-related and court-related debts collected by the Franchise Tax Board effective January 1, 2022.