Clean Slate referrals

Lake County

Traffic court information

Traffic Court Website

Traffic Ticket Lookup

Traffic Court Phone Number: (707) 994-6598

Financial Hardship? There is not an Ability to Pay form, so the defendant must make the request before the judge.

Driver’s License Hold/Suspension for Failure to Appear? It depends on the charge on the ticket.

Criminal records remedies

J. David Markham

Legal Services of Northern California

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If you need more information or support than what our resources above can provide, please contact us to speak to a member of our team.

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Disclaimer: *The East Bay Community Law Center provides free legal services to eligible East Bay clients. Specific service criteria vary by subject matter and change over time, so please contact the office with any specific questions. EBCLC cannot provide legal information or advice via email. Please contact us during regular intake hours to determine eligibility for services.