Immigration Services
The Immigration program provides a full range of legal services to immigrants and their families. We work in partnership with La Clínica de la Raza school-based health centers in the East Bay, California community colleges, and the Undocumented Student Program (USP) at UC Berkeley. We provide free legal advice and representation on:
- Humanitarian Options: DACA, Advance Parole, Asylum, U-visa, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Adjustment of Status (green card), T-visa, Naturalization
- Family-based Options: United States Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident petitioning for undocumented family member
- Criminal History: Reducing or eliminating the immigration effects of criminal arrests or convictions (in partnership with the Clean Slate program)
- Public Benefits: Legal advice about the immigration effects of receiving public benefits
- Employment Options: Visas through employers (our services are limited to consultations only)
We also offer social work services to clients needing additional support.
How to Access our Services
You can reach us in one of the following ways:
- If you are a student at a California community college, use the #findyourally website to schedule an appointment with us.
- If you are a current UC Berkeley student (or graduated within the past six months), use the Undocumented Student Program website to schedule an appointment with us.
Phone: please call (510) 548-4040 and leave a message for the Immigration team. Clearly state your full name, your phone number, and a brief description of your issue.
Eligibility for Services
We will determine your eligibility for services after we have completed an intake assessment. In general, our services are available to people who:
- Are referred by a La Clinica de la Raza school-based health center
- Are a student at UC Berkeley
- Are a student or staff member at a California Community College
- Live in Alameda or Contra Costa County
- Meet our income eligibility requirements
For information about other service providers who may be able to help with your issue, please see our Immigration referrals page.