Honoring Black Resistance: Our History Mandates Our Future

January 31, 2023

This Black History Month, the East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC) is proud to join the national call to honor Black Resistance.  Every day, we are grateful to partner with our Black led peer organizations to resist systemic racism. 

We affirm our commitment to Black Resistance with the recognition that “stop resisting” is often a precursor to Black death and brutality. For Black people, to live is to resist. We mourn Tyre Nichols. 

The legal system was designed to control and extract from Black people. As anti-racist attorneys and legal workers, our history mandates our future. Black resistance is integral to our legal strategies and victories. 

We resist police terrorism. 

We resist mass incarceration. 

We resist evictions. 

We resist the school to prison pipeline. 

We resist predatory debt. 

We resist inhumane immigration systems.  

We resist deadly disparities in healthcare. 

We do this work with deep gratitude for our clients and communities that put their trust in us. Their resistance upholds our collective power.