Who We Are


Angelo Isaac Sandoval, Esq., MPA

Staff Attorney/Clinical Supervisor, Clean Slate Practice


Juris Doctor University of California, Hastings School of Law
MPA., Public Affairs Princeton University
B.A., Political Science University of California, Los Angeles

Angelo Isaac Sandoval is a staff attorney and clinical supervisor with the Clean Slate Practice at the East Bay Community Law Center through UC Berkeley’s School of Law. He leads the work to end the criminalization of poverty, advocates for the homeless, and helps people start their lives again.

He served Senator Denise Ducheny as a legislative aide, advising the senator on issues related to higher education, California/Mexico relations, and Native American/tribal gaming. He served District Court Chief Judge Phyllis Hamilton, where he advised regarding evidentiary hearings, drug court proceedings, and Pro Se motions from incarcerated individuals lacking legal representation. In addition, he served with The Greenlining Institute, where he advocated against barriers to employment for criminalized communities of color. He served as senior organizer and legal advocate at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, where he fought for the rights of the unsheltered and for black mothers who lost children to police violence.

Angelo was born in San Francisco. He is father to five-year-old Josephine and a science fiction nerd.