Who We Are

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Ashley Ayala Mendoza

Program Coordinator, Education Defense and Justice for Youth


B.A., Ethnic Studies, B.A., Chicanx/Latinx Studies UC Berkeley (2022)

Ashley is a recent UC Berkeley graduate with a B.As in Ethnic Studies and Chicanx/Latinx Studies.

Prior to joining EBCLC, she was the lead intern with Berkeley Law’s Death Penalty Clinic, working in conjunction with faculty, staff, and law students to conduct research for cases. Ashley’s lived experiences with the carceral and criminal legal systems motivate her to be a part of an organization that serves marginalized and disadvantaged communities navigating various systems. She is inspired by EBCLC’s Education, Defense, and Justice for Youth’s commitment to serving our youth and interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Ashley enjoys going on hikes around the Bay Area where she was born and raised. She also enjoys reading, painting, thrifting, and traveling.