Who We Are

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Donzahniya Pitre

Program Coordinator, Health & Welfare


B.S., Community and Justice Studies Guilford College (2018)


Donzah is from Oakland, California and attended Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She majored in community and justice studies while minoring in criminal justice.

As a Bonner Scholar she participated in various organizations advocating for people experiencing homelessness, coordinating spaces for women of color to feel safe on her campus, and substitute teaching in Guilford County schools. She has worked with the Urban Peace Movement fighting against the cycle of violence in Oakland and committing to transforming the culture/social conditions that lead to violence and mass incarceration. She has also done intern work at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children and Justice Now. She came to EBCLC to continue doing community work that will tackle multiple sectors of oppression.