Protecting the Rights of Young Students of Color

September 10, 2020

Protecting the Rights of Young Students of Color

We strive to build a community in which all young people can enjoy safe childhoods and a quality school experience. Working in partnership with community organizers and legal advocates, EBCLC has campaigned to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline in Oakland, Berkeley, and throughout Alameda County, and engaged in coalition work to address racial inequities in school discipline and policing at the statewide level.

Our 2017 whitepaper sparked a national conversation around the adverse impacts of electronic monitoring of youth on probation, and in 2019, we hosted the first-ever national convening on the GPS Monitoring of Youth in Juvenile Court. We partner actively with public defenders, parents, and most importantly, youth themselves, who help us to advance compassionate, age-appropriate reforms to the juvenile justice system and defend the constitutional rights of all youth to a quality public education.

Current projects:

Past wins:


For more information, contact Co-Deputy Director Rosa Bay,